Friday, April 15, 2011

It is well with my soul

Today I awoke at a the respectable hour of 7:45. I decided that today would be a day of accomplishments. After a shower and some breakfast I packed for our family trip up to Seattle, Washington tomorrow, which I am tremendously excited for, then I plopped down on my floor and had a go at a painting I have been trying to get done of some time now.
Well, it didn't work out so well. I got all womanly and almost had a go at crying when my all knowing artist mother came to my rescue. She had a talk with me that could have come right out of a Teen-Girl-Trying-To-Find-Herself story. This was not at all a bad thing. Sometimes we need those and mothers seem to always know the perfect time for them.
She told me that maybe I was working with to many elements (I had acrylic paint, collage, and water color all in one), simplify your problem. This was helpful but what she said next, amongst many other wise helpful things, really struck home for me.
"Art should be fun. The process should bring you just as much joy then the finished work. If it isn't bringing you joy then it will show in your work."
A while back, God brought those same words to me. Not exactly of coarse but close. The Journey is more important then the Destination. I realized today that this applies to all of life.
So today was a good day. After I prayed about it I desided I would wait to figure it out when I got back form the Seattle trip. When I pealed away all these magazine pages I had stuck to the canvas with paint I found that a very cool effect was produced, so it was not a total failure.
I am looking forward to figuring our the painting, only next time I tackle it I will do it with joy in my heart and preparedness for a long journey of paint and mess ups. I have a feeling I will have to work for this if it is going to mean something. I am fine with that.

P.S. In Seattle I am going to tour The University of Washington to see if I want to go there. Exciting yet stressful.
The journey, just remember the journey.

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