Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Green Chiles and Protein

Weeks you say? 

No, it feels like months. It actually has only been a few weeks since I wandered from my Los Angeles stronghold. Here in The Lone Star State there are no mountainous walls surrounding the city and, my word, is it HOT!

Most days it is as though rain is stagnate in the air and we all have to walk through it. Ok, maybe not quite that humid but sometimes I swear I can drink the air. 

It is amazing what 1378.9 miles can do to a culture. Its all In-n-Out in LA but here it is all breakfast tacos and Whataburger. They don't even like In-n-Out out here! Blasphemy! 

No matter that this is a hipster town that loves art and stuff I still feel out of place. look at it this way, I am a Double Double Protein style burger at In-n-out. Texans are the Green Chile Double burger from Whataburger. So lets look at the contrasts. 

In-n-Out's Double Double Protein Style Vs.
Whataburger's Green Chile Double: 

Protein style has no bun which equals less calories. The Green Chile burgers all have a kick to them. Applying this too human comparison means I am a wimp and Texans are all much more kick-ass then me. Yes, its true. 

Conversation proof of Texans hard-core-ness:

Jane: "Look, that girl is feeding a squirrel."
Me: "Its so cute! Probably really dirty."
Jane: "Yeah, my friend Josh would probably shoot it."
Me: "Thats horrible!"
Jane: "Oh come Tallis, we were raised in Texas. All small rodents are only for food or sport."

Jane is a sweet smily sorority girl but just the fact she was born here gives her the upper hand at surviving the zombie apocalypse. It dose not matter that we both have two burger pattys, the Texan will always come out victorious.  

Their green chile spiciness always keeps you guessing. The protein style has no risk to it except getting messy. At least in Austin, every type of human possible is condensed into one area. The protein style is separated by patties and lettuce and other burger-y things. LA has al types of people but they seem to stick to their own parts of town. Its weird. 

One thing Green Chiles and Proteins have in common is we are both green, not the normal color for burgers. People in Austin are so hipster! I am not saying I am a hipster, its just I seem to have found the few hipsters in LA to hang with so I feel comfortable around these friendly green people. 

So I am the bread-less burger come to live in the land of gun hoe burger lovers. So far its going fine. Who knows? Maybe I'll bring  LA some more kick-ass-ness when I go back. 
Or maybe I'm just to wrapped in lettuce. 

All my hungry enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, July 16, 2012

Those Photo Quote Things

The other day my friend was over at my house. I was showing him some pictures I had taken on my lap top and he happened to see a picture I had found on a blog I follow. It was one of those little saying pictures that say things like, "your my favorite" or "This too shall pass."
My friend goes, "Don't tell me your on of those girls who likes those."

Well, I have something to tell you. I am one of those girls. 
How on earth am I not supposed to like something that tells me I have a great smile?

Or has really great ideas about life like this?

(I know I am not old yet but I did run a lot more when I was younger)

I mean, is it really that terrible that I like these sorts of photos? I don't think so. 

Dear friend-who-does-think-so, I like these photo-ish things because they are sweet and fun. Also my mind would come up with these cheesy sayings anyway so whats the big deal? 
Actually, reading all the saying covered photos I have amassed would tell you a lot about my insecurities and life wishes. You could diagnose me with an abundance of psychosis's if you were a head therapist. In fact, my best friend could probably become a therapist by studying me. 
Sincerely, Your darling cheesy slightly crazy friend.

Now indulge me as I show you some more photo quote things, hee hee!

All my cheesiest enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, May 28, 2012

Freedom Dragon

Today I awoke to the sounds of airplanes. A huge carrier airplane came diving low over our house making rumblings and growlings that should have belonged to the belly of a great beast. In fact, I don't think it was an airplane but a great dark green dragon.

Today is Memorial Day. 

I come from a family that has many veterans. My grandfather, his father, and my great uncle all served in the wars of their generations. We have their flags folded in triangles on our wall.  
I am so thankful that we were blessed with their service and the service of thousands other brave men and women. They gave all for their country and we are free because of them. 

"But the freedom that they fought for, 
and the country grand they wrought for,
Is their monument to-day, and for aye." 
-Thomas Dunn English

Thank you, Veterans. You are my heros. May God bless and keep you safe. 

All my respectful and thankful enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger. 

Boil and Bubble

Such a happy feeling has come over me. I am no longer bound by the chains of the crowded degradation that is high school! 

WOOOOO! I am a Graduate! 

So long you, sorry freshmen. I need to abandon you to your four year sentence because I am going to college land. Granted when I get to college-land I will be in new four year commitment and I will probably be crying a lot from loneliness but it will be cool. I'll be fine. 
You wanna know why I'll be fine? 
Because of this amazing graduation gift!! 

Yes, folks, it is a beautiful magical electric kettle that will spill out it's healing waters to keep me in denial about how much sleep I actually need. This baby will give me tea, oatmeal, those instant cup'o'noodly things, and more tea. Yay! 

Also from Mariel Evens was this beautiful handmade bracelet. 

I love my friends!

All my grateful enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Amelie and The Darling French

There was once a girl named Amelie. She and her story lived inside a green cased DVD on the shelf in my living room. I had heard of her but never stopped and got to know her. 
Last month I did, and we hit it off right away!

J'adore le film Amelie! C'est tres belle!

The movie Amelie is absolutely wonderful! 

Set in Paris, it tells the story of Amelie. She is an odd little thing with huge brown eyes and a love for the unusual. Having grown up with no friends she is solitary and is scared of talking to people. So when she sets out to bring happiness to the people around her she does it secretly and effectively. 
Stealing garden gnomes, terrorizing a mean boss, and describing the world to a blind man are all things she does to help people. All the while falling in love with a man equally as cooky as she.

The movie is vibrant. The colors feed your eyes gloriously, all the while making you feel completely french just by watching it. 

I want to be adventurous like Amelie. 

All my parisian enthusiasm, the Bursty Blogger.

The Problem With Books

Books rock my world!

One of my favorite things ever is secondhand book stores. Having walls of books around me is so comforting. When books are near, you are never truly alone.  
Writing takes creativity and imagination. Both those things are as much a part of you as your nose or your left eyeball, so writing a book is like taking your left eyeball and putting it on a shelf.. to... sell... thats gross. 
Can I re-do that?

What I mean is that you put a bit of yourself onto the pages when you write a book, so bookstores are like huge social events. You are in a crowd of silent people until you choose someone to talk to. Thats why books are so glorious, reading them is like talking to someone. But they don't interrupt. They simply tell and stop when you want to think. 

The problem with books is that what is inside them is the imagination part of the author. No matter how wonderful and adventurous the story is you have to assume that life is not really like what the words say. Reading now has 'rules'. 

Don't believe that love is like that.
Love at first sight doesn't exsist. 
 Things like that don't happen in real life.
Fairies are imaginary.

Here is what I think:
Screw the rules. 

Books are magic. They transport you to another world, another mind, another way of life. Who says in that world fairies are not truth? Or in that mind love at first sight can't be real? Or in that life journeys and heros are not normal?
You can go anywhere with a book.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."
-C.S. Lewis

We just have to trust Mr. Lewis when it comes to books. 

All my literature obsessed enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wild Thing

"You were once wild here, don't let them tame you."
-Isadora Duncan

What a wonderful notion. Never being tamed.
I feel as though everyone tries to tame everyone else to how they think or feel or do things.  Maybe in making someone else like you your mistakes don't feel so bad because someone else is making them too. Maybe it is simply because nobody wants to be alone. Maybe everyone wants to be right. 

In my short seventeen year experience, I have found the greatest joy in being with people who are not tamed by me and who do not try to tame me. We just live around one another comparing our words and deeds like precious papers. 

Thats what my friendships look like. 

All my untamed enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger 

Thursday, May 03, 2012

So Pinnie!

So there is this wonderful little website called Pintrest. I have joined and found that it is like miniature blogging! How delightful!! 

Here is my page. 


All my pining enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Living Well

I have always struggled with fear. It is a vice of mine. 

I would very much like to live a creative life, how about I work on loosing that fear first. 

All My Enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Children of an Idle Brain

Every year at the end of school I like to go through my notebooks and find all the doodles I did.  Turns out Government class is a very conducive doodling environment. Hee hee!

 He is a superhero!

 This is Burl. She is a recurring character in my doodles.

Anna Lee is friends with Burl. 

THis guy is a rail road tycoon! 

I ended up destroying public property by drawing this on my desk.  It stayed there for quite some time.

One of my favorites :)

I think the only thing pertaining to the government I was supposed to be writing about on this page is the word 'Government' at the top. The rest is arrows, berries, and handsome actors names. This page says much about my brain. 

This guy reminds me of The Martian Chronicles. 

Those were my favorite randoms found among my pages. 
All my daydreaming enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, April 30, 2012

Those Doors Keep Opening

Today I was ruffling about in college preparations; figuring out student orientation and freaking out over tests, you know the usual. I have been thinking of college in the abstract, "Oh higher learning? Thats not tell next semester." 
I fail to realize that next semester is three months and a week away exactly. I will leave in three months. 


Los Angeles is my city. I grew up here, learned here, got exposed and cultured and fashioned very well wandering through it's crazy places. I think it is an ugly faded old city but it's mine because of the people. The people are not faded.  I love my family and friends incredibly much! Leaving  them for a place I know no one is bloody terrifying.  
But whats more terrifying is my future that is trotting swiftly behind the act of leaving.  

My life will never be the same.

I like to think of this change like doors.  Up tell now my life has been like one of those really fun spinning doors they have at banks and fancy hotels.  Any big adventure I had I would go through the big spinning glass door which I could see my family on the other side of and then I could always come spinning back to them through the two way door. 
This college change is not a spinning glass door, it is one of those heavy thick doors that open from the inside but have no handle on the outside to get back in with. I'll push down on that silver handle and have to walk away once it closes behind me. 
But, you know, it's going to be good. 
i focus so much on what i am loosing that i forget what i will be gaining. 
Knowledge, Wisdom, experience, new friends, new interests, freedom, responsibility. All these i am looking forward to because the Lord has promised good to me. He has promised me a future and way in this world greater then any I could scrape out for myself. This is part of His plan for me, so I am willing. 

All my changing enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Swimming With Sculptures

 I found these beautiful photos on one of my many blog hunts. They are so stunning, almost like sculptures. They look like Micheal Angelo carved then from cold blocks of marble. 
I love them. 

Hope you enjoyed a swim with these statues.
All my enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Few Moments

As I sit in my kitchen, watching my sister slowly decline in awake-ness as my mother tries to remember her facebook password, I am acutely aware of life. Quiet moments like this always inspire me to think nostalgic philosophical thoughts. Most turn out to not be that impressive, shall we see how this one turns out? I think yes. 

(me being happy about lat night blogging)

I am aware of life in regard to moments. 
Life is divided up into moments and we are allotted a certain number of them. These moments can be as short as one millisecond or as vast as a decade. Moments can happen within other moments. They can start on their own and end along with dozens of other moments. What I mean to say is, these moments of life are rather unpredictable.

On the day of each humans birth, in fact the very second of our first breath, we are handed a sub conscience notice that our moments have begun. We are not aware of these moments tell we are more or less in our pre-teen years(understand that age is relative, if you were aware of your moments long before the age of six or long after 52 I will not consider you weird). After this epiphany we don't do much with the knowledge until we have another epiphany(which equals a moment) that moments are important. 

That is where I find myself at in the present. Me writing this blog post is, in fact, a moment. Moments came to my attention while I was watching TV. Late at night, I realized I would have been better off sleeping rather then staring at a show I did not care about. My thought process took me along a winding trip with many detours(I made some new imaginary friends) until I came to the conclusion that I wanted to only spend my moments on what was worth my moments. 
I have always wanted a full life. What better way to achieve that then spending time on what is worth my while? 
 What is worth my while are the things I love. Drawing, friends, dancing, thinking, reading, sleeping(which I should be doing right now). Those are a few of my vast collection of delights I have. I want to spend my moments on things like those but I often find myself listlessly surfing facebook or... well, mostly facebook. 
So, down with listlessness! Down with passiveness! I want only the interesting, the uncommon and the passionate! Go Life!!

I am now alone in the kitchen. My mother and sister long been asleep, but I type away and hope that this blog post will be worth the moment you take to read it. Thanks for indulging my socratic thoughts. 

All my moment made enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Girl In Progress

I hate being ignored.  
I wanted you to know this not because I want you to never ignore me, but so that maybe you could forgive me for it. 
I have always found it necessary to strive for a full exotic wild life so that people would be interested in me. Having everyone fall in love with me is not a bad idea in my opinion.  It's either love or bust for me.  
And I don't think 'everyone' means 'everyone in the entire world',  just everyone in my world.  I love the people in my world. I want so bad to make them happy, to simply be with them always. To know I have hurt them hurts me. It means their love is not justified, I have failed them.  
This is a very selfish thing to think. Who likes to be ignored? I am not unique because of this. 
Whats more, I know I am loved. 
You love me for who I am and what I do. I am not saying this because I want to brag but because it is the truth. I can think of many people that I can always be sure of loving me. But sometimes I look at the pieces of myself, like a clumsy bright sort of puzzle, and wonder why.
All I can think of saying is thank you. Thank you for grace. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you so so much. 
I want you to know that those times when I say or do something that shows you just how broken I am, it is your love that puts me back together. I don't even care if that is cheesy. I know I will brake again and I am sorry for that.
 My sister says that we can always start over again tomorrow. I am sorry it can't just stay fixed, that we do sometimes have to start over. I am sorry for the times you are disappointed in me. I didn't mean it.
I am just a an insecure girl in progress. Thanks for loving that girl. She loves you back with immense loyalty. 

All my humbleness, The Bursty Blogger. 

P.S. Welcome back to Tallis In Wonderland :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Goodbye, My Love!

So, I know I have not been posting lately. 
There are two reasons why:

1. I have been exceedingly busy lately because of the start of Pasadena City College classes. I have been attending this community college for three years now and it has never left me wanting for a challenge. I like challenges. Smiley face. 

2. This reason is less understanding. I have been bored with my blog. At this point in my life I am doing a lot of changing and I feel as though my blog will be one of the casualties. Blogging will forever be a love of mine but if it does not evolve when I evolve I will not be able to process what I need to while writing on it. It is time for the Bursty Blogger to move on.
So here is my plan, I am going to rethink what I want and need from my blog. Then I will come back with it all revamped and pretty and ready to make me happy. I like that idea. 

I think lots of art, photos and fashion; how does that sound? Good? Good. 

Well, I will see you soon!
For the last time: All my nostalgic enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For Everyone

Happy Valentines Day!

This day is not just for the couples and lovers in the world, it is for everyone. If you love anyone, let them know. Give your mother a kiss on the cheek. Tell your best friend that their your best friend. And if your in love with someone, go give them a kiss. 
Just be unanimously generous with your love today! 

May God bless you with a wonderfully romantic day!
All my blushing enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, February 06, 2012

There Is Me Behind a Silver Screen

To reach the main tourist attraction of Los Angeles I merely need to hop on the 134 to the 5 freeway and drive for a bit. With Hollywood so close by you would think I would be enamored with it. 

Tallis Fact:
I am. 

Not the actual place of Hollywood but the filling of it. The people. The actors and actresses that dance behind those big silver screens. Those ones make my head spin. 
Golly, to be a different person every time you go to work must be strange, for that I do respect them. I could never do it, I would very quickly loose myself in the characters I was trying to portray... and I would just be bad at it. 

But why am I so obsessed with them? I spend hours(I am working on this) on IMDB, Internet Movie Database, just looking up what movies my favorite actors are in next. It is a little bit like a disease! 
Well, I think I have figured it out. Watching actors maneuver through stardom is like watching a tightrope walker balance on a rope thirty feet above the floor. Only if an actor falls there is no net to catch him, he falls to the floor of self destruction. Falling off that line of stability possibly has more bitter consequences for an actor then a non-actor because their shame is publicized by dozens of prying camera lenses. 
To get back to my question of why we love watching actors; we watch them because we love watching disasters. Will they fall or not? 
It is like when a train drives head first over a cliff. And it is their own fault. We love it!

I am no different. Wow, I just made myself feel ashamed.   
Hollywood is a circus, just a big glorified circus there for everyones entertainment anyway. No matter how good they are at acting, actors are working for every person in the world. We are the popcorn chewing crowd that determines which movie will be the next box office flop or hit. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my Hollywood people rant. Now I have to go see who is on cast for The Hobbit. I'll be on IMDB.com if you need me ;)

All my starstruck enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

P.S. Benedict Cumberbatch is the voice of Smoug the Dragon and Lee Pace is an elf! EEeeeee! So excited!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Fantastic Burst of A Blog

It has been awhile since I have done a Happies post. In fact, it has been to long because life has been a good little whirl of lots of work and school and artwork. Happiness is actually very abundant with myself and I do not know why. Well, here is something adding to the little bubble bursts of goodness.

If you all remember this fantastic fellow,

then you will be THRILLED when you see this trailer.  When I saw it I was so happy! Wes Andersen is such a clever unique director, I love him so much!
Moonrise Kingdom: about two child sweethearts run away together and high jinx in-sue. Yay! High jinx, I love high jinx!  

Doesn't it look so cute and awesome! I is so excited! It is coming out in March or May, one of the 'M' months. I want to come out sooner.  

All my expectant enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Charlie and a Dianna

So, you know that little show that has a lot of singing and high schoolers and a hot glee club teacher? It has a all time favorite gay guy and cute nerd in wheel chair? Well, if those descriptions don't ring in any bells I will tell you. 
I am talking about Glee. 
Yes, yes. After you stop squealing and jumping at the mention of... glee.
I found this fun little website called You, Me, & Charlie. What that has to do with glee is that the loverly Dianna Argon started it. I found it and I love it! It has all these different articles that tell of cool this and that. One of the articles I found was about READING!!!!!! 
About girls who read. And it was creepy because it was like reading an article about myself. But I realized that because this article exists there are others out there like me! Woo Hoo! 
Enjoy this wonderful article, and boys, do pay attention.

"Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes. She has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve.
Find a girl who reads. You’ll know that she does because she will always have an unread book in her bag.She’s the one lovingly looking over the shelves in the bookstore, the one who quietly cries out when she finds the book she wants. You see the weird chick sniffing the pages of an old book in a second hand book shop? That’s the reader. They can never resist smelling the pages, especially when they are yellow.
She’s the girl reading while waiting in that coffee shop down the street. If you take a peek at her mug, the non-dairy creamer is floating on top because she’s kind of engrossed already. Lost in a world of the author’s making. Sit down. She might give you a glare, as most girls who read do not like to be interrupted. Ask her if she likes the book.
Buy her another cup of coffee.
Let her know what you really think of Murakami. See if she got through the first chapter of Fellowship. Understand that if she says she understood James Joyce’s Ulysses she’s just saying that to sound intelligent. Ask her if she loves Alice or she would like to be Alice.
It’s easy to date a girl who reads. Give her books for her birthday, for Christmas and for anniversaries. Give her the gift of words, in poetry, in song. Give her Neruda, Pound, Sexton, Cummings. Let her know that you understand that words are love. Understand that she knows the difference between books and reality but by god, she’s going to try to make her life a little like her favorite book. It will never be your fault if she does.
She has to give it a shot somehow.
Why be frightened of everything that you are not? Girls who read understand that people, like characters, develop. Except in the Twilightseries.
If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are.
You will propose on a hot air balloon. Or during a rock concert. Or very casually next time she’s sick. Over Skype.
You will smile so hard you will wonder why your heart hasn’t burst and bled out all over your chest yet. You will write the story of your lives, have kids with strange names and even stranger tastes. She will introduce your children to the Cat in the Hat and Aslan, maybe in the same day. You will walk the winters of your old age together and she will recite Keats under her breath while you shake the snow off your boots.
Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads.
Or better yet, date a girl who writes."
by Rosemarie Urquico

All my book-ish enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger