Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get On Your Boots In San Michelle

So. It has been a little chunk of time since I last bursted upon this here blog of mine. I feel bad for its own sake that I have neglected it. Blogging is one of the most lovable simple of joys in the world and feel as though I missed a bit of life when I do not blog.
There is so much to tell you but at the moment there is but one thing(well, two things) that I wish to share.

#1-I saw BONO! With my own eyes!

#2-Beginning of the story is an order.
On the 21st of this month I had the utmost hight of pleasure by going to see my all-time favorite musical, Les Miserables.
Let me obsess for a moment. Musicals and plays are my loves. If they were men I would merry one of them. But this one, this musical caps all others.
I have seen this play twice before, once in London and once concert version at the Hollywood Bowl. I know the songs by heart and nearly wet myself when I heard it was coming to LA.
The play we saw on Thursday was amazing! It was a renewal of memory for me.
The play attacked my emotions in all the right places. I cried for the deaths of Fantine and little Gavrouch, I rejoiced for Jean Valjeans freedom. The actors were rather perfect. What I most enjoyed was the actors interpretations of the characters since they were all different then I have seen before. I loved it!!

Girl Moment:
There was a man who sang a main supporting part who could sing his butt off! And he had this hair, Oh his hair! it was blonde curls down to his shoulders. Think hair band status. Yep, perfection.

My friend Mariel from the Petite Parlor came with us. After the show and many tears, because it was just so beautiful and touching (Do You Hear The People Sing, In The Garden Of The Lord!!), Mariel, my sister, her boyfriend and I were outside the theater just talking and enjoying the night time. Suddenly my sister and her boyfriend just took off. Mariel and I were baffled by their strange behavior until they finally pointed to two men they were following. The shorter man was the one and only Bono, lead singer from U2!
I started tearing up all over again. He even was waring his signature sun glasses, at 11:00 p.m.! We stalked him all the way to the parking garage and then, reluctantly let him go. Mariel looked at me and said "What are the chances that we saw Les Miserables in the same theater as Bono?"
We spent the car ride home in a happiness daze. We did not want to sleep for fear of this beautiful night ending. Of coarse it did end, but it was a wonderful day. I do not think there will ever in my life be another day like that in my life. There will be other happy days, only they will be a different kind of happiness.
I wish days like that for all of you.

All my dreamy enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Bursty Blogger Bursts Again

When Earths last picture is painted
by Rudyard Kipling

When Earth last picture is painted
and the tubes are twisted and dried
When the oldest colors have faded
and the youngest critic has died
We shall rest, and faith, we shall need it
Lie down down for an aeon or two
'Till the master of all good workmen
Shall put us to work anew
And those that were good shall be happy
They'll sit sit in a golden chair
They'll splash at a ten league canvas
With brushes of comets hair
they'll find real saints to draw from
Magdalene, Peter, and Paul
They'll work for an age at a sitting
And never be tired at all.
And only the Master shall praise us
And only the Master shall blame.
And no one will work for the money
no one will work for the fame.
But each for the joy of the working,
And each, in his separate star,
Will draw the thing as he sees it
For the God of things as they are.

It was unconsciously done

Not until yesterday I realized that I passed my goal post mark without realizing it. I currently have one hundred blog posts plus one. I was planning on doing some sort of big celebratory post but I passed it; for some reason it would feel wrong to do something now.
I am sad.
But I will help that sadness dissipate by posting one of my favorite, if not rare, kind of posts.
I so pretty! I wore this outfit to a cafe that my sister was preforming at. Her band and her did exceptionally well!

These earrings I purchased at a little booth in Disneyland, so pretty!
The Brooches(does anyone else find that a weird word?) I made myself. The bottom one is a shrink-y dink and the leopard flower brooch(haha! weird) used to be a Build-A-Bear Workshop ear ribbon that I sewed onto a pin. I am proud of it!
Butter fly ring is from a shop in Palm Springs.
Rose Ring from the same booth as my earrings. This has got to be one of my favorite rings.
Red boots are from Macys. Pattern tights are from Target, Shorts are from American Eagle. I love that store by the way, it has well made cloths for good prices and they are comfortable!!!

Tank tops are both from Target; in my opinion one can never have enough tank tops.
Coin Necklace in from a booth at the Pike Place Market in Seattle. Fish Bone necklace was a gift from New Zealand that I love!
Sadly I can not remember where I got the vest. If anyone recognizes it please feel free to let me know :)
Yay!! Sadness is gone!
At the moment I am in Portland, Oregon with my mom and Uncle. I will write about all the fun things we did later.

All my enthusiasm, the Bursty Blogger

Thursday, July 07, 2011

What do I do with this Raison?

I have a problem. Since it consists of something totally unfixable I need to vent about it.

Then and Than.

*says with little voice from The Fall(random movie, sorry)*

Ok, who thought up the English language? Whoever did, I would like to punch him. I am fairly certain it was a man because a long time ago everyone had this idiotic mind set that men were the only ones who could think. Oh no, I am not feminist what so ever! If a woman made up the language we would not have tragedies like Than and Then! ...That is probably not true.
Seriously though! Who thought up that there would be two words that look exactly alike, sound exactly alike and mean two different things entirely! huum? I would like to know.

Another thing, Feminism is pointless!

Thank you for listening to my crazy person rant.

All my irritated enthusiasms, The Bursty Blogger

A Happy Interlude

By name I shall be called the Bursty Blogger.
Do you know of the reason? I shall tell you if you do not. You don't? Ok.
It is because I blog in bursts! Rather self explanatory, heehee.

Business over I would like to talk. Just talk.
"That is what this post is about: talking!" decries the blogger god!

My very dear friend came to spend a few vibrant hours with me yesterday; we talked of many things, not of cabbages and kings mind you but real kinds of things. Things that have a weight and add some substance to your soul as you think them, work them around your mouth, and emit them into another hands. I painted and talked and he just talked. We are like a brother and sister that get along fabulously! We joked and laughed, made food, and ended up on the kitchen floor talking about God, relationships, and realizations. We spoke about beautiful things and frightening things and things we did not fully understand yet there were bubbles of joy through out our conversations. We had a good time, it made me happy.
Last night told me something: I think I am a pretty good person. Don't interpret that as stuck up or pompous(isn't that a fun word to say? Pompous! Ha!). Think of it more as a long time coming needed healing.
I never thought to well of myself, to tell the truth. I was either to fat, to shallow, to fake, to untalented or not enough of anything to be interesting. I never two of these things at once, just one at a time. In a way that was more damaging to my psyche than if I was all at of those faults at the same time.
But during this interlude on the kitchen floor with Jonathan (yes my dear friend is a guy and no he is not my boyfriend) it came upon me that I was content with myself. Have you ever been content with yourself? It is not a feeling of jumping for joy, it is a feeling of every tension in every muscle and tendon of your body releasing to be replaced with calm.
I know for a fact that when I am in crowds I cover myself with hyper enthusiasm. It is not a lie, that enthusiasm, but it is a deflector shield that undermines any attempt to go deeper then a
"How are you?" "Good." "Good"
*flits off to prance across chairs and act indifferent to opinions*.
Yep, thats me in a crowd.
I can't help it. I can not focus in a large crowd, too much movement. After two hours of being surrounded I am exhausted. I end up in a corner seriously working on my wall flower skills.

My wall flower skills, their good.

I like shutting myself into my Turret(my room) and imagining I am part of some deep novel about a tortured artist and the people she inspires. The only people I inspire are the multiple ones in my head... so I guess I inspire myself? Because they are in my head, Oh never mind.
Anyway. Talking one on one with Jonathan I was calm yet still my bubbly self, full of stories and random descriptions. Jonathan said he liked this Tallis and I thought(and said out loud) that I liked this Tallis, too.
Thanks Jonathan for talking to me. I hope I said some things that helped you too. I tried to.

With all my genuine enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger *tee hee*