Saturday, October 30, 2010

Far Away

"i will live my life as a lobster mans wife
on an island in a blue bay.

Far away, far away i wanna go far away
to a new life on a new shore line
where the water is blue and the people are new
to another island in a blue bay"

The song Far Away by Ingrid Michelson just about captures how i feel. To go far away from here would be wonderful! Maybe not right now on account of school but someday, yes i will. An adventure is all i need. I am not saying i want to marry a lobster man, they smell to fishy.

Well i am being haled by the pages of my history book so i must away to the kitchen to fulfill the requirements of my classes.


the little things :)

The world is beautiful today. The air i breath easy as it is cool and refreshing. Being thankful for the little things makes the world sweeter.
I am a believer in being thankful for what you have. Sometimes we lust after things that are not necessary to our happiness. Whenever i do start doing that i start thinking i do need those shoes or that quality. i don't need those things. look at what God has blessed me with already! it's so amazing! Once i think like that, everything i have is immediately more valuable then the thing i wanted.

I am not just talking about objects, but qualities in myself as well. Do i need to be kinder? more giving? more others centered?
Yes being aware of my actions so i don't hurt anyone is good but whenever i overly worry about being kind or caring i end up self centered. I am kinder and sweeter when i am praying and giving God glory through out the day.

I know that is cheesy but it works and i enjoy doing it!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"The name is Sherlock Holmes"

221B Baker St. is where the famous detective takes up residence in the 1900s. He solves murders done with revolvers and plays violin while smoking a pipe. Not anymore!

Now he has come back with as much genius as before but instead of the 1900's it's set in 21st century London! It is amazingly perfect! The revolvers have been replaced with 9mm handguns and while he still serenades on the violin while pondering poisonings there is no pipe but nicotine patches. Sherlock is as ever blunt and jerk-faced and can calculate where exactly you have been, what you have eaten and if you have killed someone or not by simply glancing at you. He is the epitome of an ass but you adore him! No matter what comes out of his mouth whether analysis or insult you love it!

Dr. Watson is a war-veteran with a psycho-simatic limp and trust issues but when paired with Sherlock, who cures his limp by running across roof tops in pursuit of a taxi, they make the perfect team. Watching them conquer crime scenes is thrilling, especially in this new setting.

But there is a dark element to this BBC tv series. There are murders after all, but besides that it is slightly disturbing to see Sherlock letting a serial killer take him for a taxi ride to see how the man killed his victims. Sherlock is an addict to the thrill of risking his life to prove he is cleaver.

This exciting dark new series is awesome with a twist of comedy!It seems so natural, no body questions that Sherlock is no in the 21st century. It just seems right. I fully look forward to Sundays with giddy happiness all because of this show!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mum, fuze, yum!

I am feeling much better thank you. I do believe that three things have contributed to my happy mood at the moment.

Three things that have been rocking my world lately:
1. Mumford & Sons!
-Their soulful folk melodies brazenly declare themselves present in the air like a king. It's the perfect uplifting sound to shatter a moody mood. And who knew a banjo could be so cool?
2. Leg Warmers!!
-Seriously these things blow my mind they are so cool! Not only do they keep your calves toasty and comfy but they look very 80's chic with an athletic hint :)love them!
3. Coffee Cake!!!
-Yesterday my mom made coffee cake for desert and it was strait from heaven, no joke. She used coconut milk instead of regular milk and put these little maple sugar cubes in the topping. Oh gosh! It's food like this that proves Gods existence because it's SOOOO GOOD!!
Well i do believe this was a happy post. Listen, wear and eat it will make you happy :)
-See ya!

Monday, October 25, 2010

hey... you

So facebook. or the stocker network as i have recently dubbed it because it is actually really easy to find out about a persons personal life. With a few clicks of that button and one more click on this button and "oh! hello boyfriend of that girl that my friends cousin sort-of-knows-but-not-really at youth group!" See, so simple.

It is more then a little disconcerting to know that while you're trying to find out some hidden fact about some hidden person they could be doing the same thing to you. But no matter how much more then a little disconcerting it is, it is even more addicting. I mean seriously, why can't i stop buying flair even though it "went out of style" forever ago? Or why can't i just stop chatting with a bazillion people and get some sleep? I tell you facebook is like glowing nicotine with a key pad.

plus, it is pretty pathetic who we stock. Do you ever stock your best friend? or your sister? no! you stock that popular kid over there who you want to be. I have done that too but it would be a lot easier if we stopped being cowardly, picked up our sac lunch, and walked up to just said hi. That way by their reaction you can tell if they are actually worth knowing. But no, we stay at the table where we have been sitting for the whole of our school life and imagine that you'ed be excepted into that tight knit group of preppies. Then we sneak home and watch their profile picture for an hour or so. We suck.
Well thats all for now. i don't suppose this post would be qualified as more cheerful then my last one? dang it. oh well, i'll do better next time.
catch you later!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Last night was terrible. it was as if someone had reached a wire brush down my throat and rubbed it up and down. It took me a long time to fall asleep but even longer to stay asleep. I woke up feeling just the same so i slept in until 10:00 then got up wanting to do nothing else but a collage of cut-outs from fashion magazines. A strange craving for a sick person. You see, i have lost my appetite(which is very rare) because of these ghastly cough drops i have to suck on. Their flavor is eucalyptus melon. These confuse me, I was under the impression that eucalyptus was poisonous for humans. isn't it? and how does melon fix that fact? *sigh* Art will put me in a better mood, it always does.
Hopefully my next post will be happier.
-See ya

Friday, October 22, 2010

The charmed life

Has anyone seen The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams? it is playing at the Taper Theater right now and i strongly compel everyone to see it. the actors are superb in every way an actor can be, The play actually only has four actors in it.

I have always enjoyed plays and musicals. In the summer my family flew to New York City and indulged in walking and dressing up and acting as if we were the rich folk. Those who abide in their tall glass buildings with a view of the world out their windows. Those who have the charmed life.

We saw plays and musicals such as my favorite West Side Story! We saw the play Fences with the amazingly talented Denzel Washington and Viola Davis as the leads. The classic Our Town was on our list as well. We came home still hungry for shows that are not projected on to a screen (not that there is anything wrong with movies).

We had a play binge last weekend when we saw The Glass Menagerie and the APU rendition of my other all time favorite Parade!! It was stunning as well. aah! So good!!

Pics: The Glass Menagerie, West Side Story, Viola Davis & Denzel Washington in Fences

drip drip drop!

Rain! It's finally here! it makes me want to dance about like Gene Kelly and celebrate like Jesus had born again! but alas, woa is me! i must abide in the house laboring over homework *tear*

well actually i am laboring over writing this post :)
enjoy the beautiful weather!!

cold makes everything better

Hello!!! Fall is here and it is making me happy! oh this cold weather is wonderful, it brings warm pleasant things to the mind like Pretty trees

warm ear hats!
and Teddy Bears!!!!!!

and snuggies. heehee :) the fashion is awesome as well. Layers of scarves, jackets and boots! who wouldn't want to live perpetual autumn? The colors are vibrant no more heat!!!!!

Anyway i have been thinking a lot about fashion lately. Home schoolers usually look like they have riffled through a pile of cast off clothes that are two sizes to small or are from the sixties. And not the cool sixties fashion, the bad tapered sweats and tye-dye shirts kind of sixties fashion. Yuck.
I have vowed to never look like that. I have decided to find my style. this will be interesting, i'll probably look like a rainbow on steroids for awhile. you just have to remember that i am not dressing for anyone, i just think it would be fun to have an out there style.
see ya-later

Pics: Fall Landscape Red Trees by Marcia Baldwin, Ear Hat, Teddy Bear

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Normal is Weird

What is normal?
Does the word itself mean what we think it does?
My definition of it is this: Normal, the adjective to describe someone that the observer considers to be like himself. In other words, people different from ourselves are weird and those similar are normal. I mean, think about it! If an emo kid is standing in a room with a group of preppy kids and a group of emo kids who is he going to choose? duh! the emo group. They have common interests and likings so when they look at the preppy kids in their bright colors and loud giggles the emo kids will automatically label them as "Weird"

-Dictionary definition: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

So i was more or less correct in my definition. The dictionary's is just broader.

Anyway, if you look at it in these ways "normal" can't be achieved by anyone unless every single human being on the planet was exactly the same.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Eating, but talking too

My sister, i kid you not, can walk through the kitchen and snack on at least five things at once. Sometimes more. Chips, hummus, apples, spinach dip, cookies anything remotely dip-able doesn't stand a chance. It will be found, smothered in a dip, mashed by teeth and disappear down her throat. Now while she is consuming veggie chips or some other crunchy delectable, she is talking. She talks all the time, even if i am clearly reading she will chatter away not really caring that i am engaged in a conversation with a book character.
Don't get me wrong, i love my sister. When she broke up with her boy friend i got all her attention back, which includes all her conversation. I feel very privileged when she talks to me but i find it increasingly hilarious that she will talk to me even if i don't respond.

Me: hey, i really can't talk right now. I have a bunch of homework.
Sis: Oh ok i'll stop talking...
ten seconds later: So there was this guy in class today that was being a total jerk face to the teacher...
(actual conversation)

get ready for some cheese! My sister is a wonderful person that i really look up to. She keeps me company during long tedious hours of homework that neither of us want to do. In fact i started a blog about her, thats how freaking awesome she is!!

Why, Hello there!

Me: *gasp* oh you startled me! I didn't see you there. Welcome to my blog, a view from Normal. It is a compiling of my thoughts and views on things from a Home Schooler point of view. For that is what i am, a home schooler. Would you like me to keep talking? There is much i have to say about many things that could be of interest to you. I understand if you don't want to keep listening, many people i have met have a strong opinion of my kind of education. Usually their opinions are not favorable and reject it like a three year old rejects cough medicine(i am not favorable to the stuff myself). But i assure you, i am quite normal.

Please, i invite you into my world of opinions and you just might find a surprisingly normal high school teen that just wants to find her place in the world.