Friday, May 25, 2012

The Problem With Books

Books rock my world!

One of my favorite things ever is secondhand book stores. Having walls of books around me is so comforting. When books are near, you are never truly alone.  
Writing takes creativity and imagination. Both those things are as much a part of you as your nose or your left eyeball, so writing a book is like taking your left eyeball and putting it on a shelf.. to... sell... thats gross. 
Can I re-do that?

What I mean is that you put a bit of yourself onto the pages when you write a book, so bookstores are like huge social events. You are in a crowd of silent people until you choose someone to talk to. Thats why books are so glorious, reading them is like talking to someone. But they don't interrupt. They simply tell and stop when you want to think. 

The problem with books is that what is inside them is the imagination part of the author. No matter how wonderful and adventurous the story is you have to assume that life is not really like what the words say. Reading now has 'rules'. 

Don't believe that love is like that.
Love at first sight doesn't exsist. 
 Things like that don't happen in real life.
Fairies are imaginary.

Here is what I think:
Screw the rules. 

Books are magic. They transport you to another world, another mind, another way of life. Who says in that world fairies are not truth? Or in that mind love at first sight can't be real? Or in that life journeys and heros are not normal?
You can go anywhere with a book.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."
-C.S. Lewis

We just have to trust Mr. Lewis when it comes to books. 

All my literature obsessed enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

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