Thursday, July 07, 2011

What do I do with this Raison?

I have a problem. Since it consists of something totally unfixable I need to vent about it.

Then and Than.

*says with little voice from The Fall(random movie, sorry)*

Ok, who thought up the English language? Whoever did, I would like to punch him. I am fairly certain it was a man because a long time ago everyone had this idiotic mind set that men were the only ones who could think. Oh no, I am not feminist what so ever! If a woman made up the language we would not have tragedies like Than and Then! ...That is probably not true.
Seriously though! Who thought up that there would be two words that look exactly alike, sound exactly alike and mean two different things entirely! huum? I would like to know.

Another thing, Feminism is pointless!

Thank you for listening to my crazy person rant.

All my irritated enthusiasms, The Bursty Blogger


  1. Then is an expression of time. That's how I always remember Like "That was THEN" instead of "I'd rather this THAN that." Never thought I's be the one to tell you that did you haha. ;)

  2. Aaaand I think I'm just going to make you want to vent even more with my last comment. Lo siento.
