Sunday, March 06, 2011

A result of spontaneity

Congratulations(I always misspell that word the first time) to my Life Group leader, Tiffany Jordan. Or should I say Tiffany SOUERS!!
She is married and off on her honeymoon with her Clark and husband.
Their wedding was beautiful! and so much fun!
But I found the most touching part the father daughter dance at the reception.
I know it is not that good because I just wrote it down a few minuets ago but I felt like posting this little poem about the father of the bride. I hope you like it.

Trumpets blair and canaries sing
Where else would they want to be?
Roses fall and cake is good
they know where right now
Lights sparkle as Champagne does
and it bubbles like their smiles
music croons and a father dances
to the tune of a girl in white
a mother cries and people cheer
but the father has given away
a thing that was his but no more

A place of sand and white caps
is at the back of their minds
it's full of sunsets, candles and love
they appreciate the cheers and woots
but nothing can stop the wish
of a plane to that quiet spot
where breezes can caress better
then any squeal of "Congrats!"
the father is not in this place
of breezes from seas and sands
he stands with an empty crook
in his arm and sways to the tune
of his girl in white and jewels

What is that like?
a tug, a pull, an anger?
no it is just a sigh
to leave things as they are
there would be no point to stop it
it happens all the time
and what of it, if it's much?
the laughter and the fun
can't fill the father like the rest
he waits in the back
hovers on the floor
and the girl in white with smiles
is the melody he sways to
and says to "I love you."

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