Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Goodbye, My Love!

So, I know I have not been posting lately. 
There are two reasons why:

1. I have been exceedingly busy lately because of the start of Pasadena City College classes. I have been attending this community college for three years now and it has never left me wanting for a challenge. I like challenges. Smiley face. 

2. This reason is less understanding. I have been bored with my blog. At this point in my life I am doing a lot of changing and I feel as though my blog will be one of the casualties. Blogging will forever be a love of mine but if it does not evolve when I evolve I will not be able to process what I need to while writing on it. It is time for the Bursty Blogger to move on.
So here is my plan, I am going to rethink what I want and need from my blog. Then I will come back with it all revamped and pretty and ready to make me happy. I like that idea. 

I think lots of art, photos and fashion; how does that sound? Good? Good. 

Well, I will see you soon!
For the last time: All my nostalgic enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For Everyone

Happy Valentines Day!

This day is not just for the couples and lovers in the world, it is for everyone. If you love anyone, let them know. Give your mother a kiss on the cheek. Tell your best friend that their your best friend. And if your in love with someone, go give them a kiss. 
Just be unanimously generous with your love today! 

May God bless you with a wonderfully romantic day!
All my blushing enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, February 06, 2012

There Is Me Behind a Silver Screen

To reach the main tourist attraction of Los Angeles I merely need to hop on the 134 to the 5 freeway and drive for a bit. With Hollywood so close by you would think I would be enamored with it. 

Tallis Fact:
I am. 

Not the actual place of Hollywood but the filling of it. The people. The actors and actresses that dance behind those big silver screens. Those ones make my head spin. 
Golly, to be a different person every time you go to work must be strange, for that I do respect them. I could never do it, I would very quickly loose myself in the characters I was trying to portray... and I would just be bad at it. 

But why am I so obsessed with them? I spend hours(I am working on this) on IMDB, Internet Movie Database, just looking up what movies my favorite actors are in next. It is a little bit like a disease! 
Well, I think I have figured it out. Watching actors maneuver through stardom is like watching a tightrope walker balance on a rope thirty feet above the floor. Only if an actor falls there is no net to catch him, he falls to the floor of self destruction. Falling off that line of stability possibly has more bitter consequences for an actor then a non-actor because their shame is publicized by dozens of prying camera lenses. 
To get back to my question of why we love watching actors; we watch them because we love watching disasters. Will they fall or not? 
It is like when a train drives head first over a cliff. And it is their own fault. We love it!

I am no different. Wow, I just made myself feel ashamed.   
Hollywood is a circus, just a big glorified circus there for everyones entertainment anyway. No matter how good they are at acting, actors are working for every person in the world. We are the popcorn chewing crowd that determines which movie will be the next box office flop or hit. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed my Hollywood people rant. Now I have to go see who is on cast for The Hobbit. I'll be on if you need me ;)

All my starstruck enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

P.S. Benedict Cumberbatch is the voice of Smoug the Dragon and Lee Pace is an elf! EEeeeee! So excited!