Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dawn of 2012

"May your coming year be filled with music and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or lives as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself." 
-Niel Gaiman

This coming year is an year of looming change, greater change then I have ever experienced before. I know that many educated and soulful people have said never look backwards in life, but I think it is hard to remember what you learned and who you met if you don't look backwards every now and then. 
Some of my favorite photos from 2011:

My sister and i pulling a U2 pose on top of a mountain in Seattle, Washington.

Me in Seattle again finding wonderful wonderfulness in Elliot Bay  book company. 

My great friend Tiffany got married.

On the 2011 house boat trip with my youth group.

I visited Portland, Oregon for the first time to spend time with my awesome Uncle! Love that guy!

Mariel and I painted a mural for her birthday.

I rejected the 'Bieber Fever' Yuck.

Visiting University of Texas in Austen with my family.

My stellar circus performance!

Huge wind storm got Pasadena declared a disaster zone.

My friend Jessie and I at our youth group Fall Retreat. Snow!

There was hail in Los Angelas! It looked like snow!

I was turned into a zombie for a Halloween dance performance which went very well i might add.

One last dance of the year for my amazing dance team! We gave love to LA through our superior dance moves!

I think that it was a good year all and all but I am quite happy that it is over. I feel ready for a new twelve months of adventures!

The wilderness has yet to be explored!! Cah CAH! cah Cah! RAAR!!

All my expectant enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger!

P.S. I have lots of hopes for this blog as well :) and hopefully we won't die.

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