Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Have You Seen My Lost Coin?

I want to hear a huge cheer for flippant shallow hobbies!! 


Yeah, that's right. 
Well, fashion isn't flippant really. Without it we would all be naked which I am sure someone would enjoy but it would not be me. I like clothes. A lot. So here is an outfit *smile*

By the side of my house is a small little heaven. There is a bench and a table surrounded by many beautiful plants. I sit out there to eat breakfast sometimes or just to read. 

I toke my pictures out there because it is a place that is full of rest and nice things.
 I love this dress. I got it at Buffalo Exchange in Seattle.

Shoes are from an online store that I can not remember the name of, I am so sorry. I love these shoes. They fit just right and are quite comfy. The bag is from a thrift store.

 Butterfly pin from my grandmother, other one is thrifted.
 Disneyland. That's right. Don't worry, it is not cursed. Actually when my sister and two best friends where our necklaces(we all have one) it always seems to rain. Creepy. 
Black Hills Gold, a gift from my grandmother on the day of my baptism. 
 Earrings are from H&M I believe.

And that is Jane Eyre. It is one of my favorite books. 

All my cursed enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

I Fracking Love You!

Alas Alas here I am oh blog of mine, Do not fret! I will refresh your tired page to new and loverly heights. 

I have news of a new obsession of mine. "Another one!" You exclaim. "Yes!" I reply, "yet another to add to my long and, more then likely, unhealthy obsession list."
This ones name is 


Not the old one but the 2004-2009 series.
This is a TV show that, while it lasted, had people everywhere obsessed with it including my father. Well, sort of. He was obsessed with it but he didn't actually watch it, he just kept saying he had too and forbidding anyone around to talk about it in his presence. 
Well, he decided that it was time to watch it and I am so glad that he did because now I am in love with it! And not only with
the show but with this beautiful man as well. 

You are rather fine, Captain Apollo, sir. 

*cough cough* Did I type that out loud? Ooops. 

Anyway, The show is awesome. It is action packed and cool and I can not get enough of the soundtrack, it is stunning. One thing I admire about the show is that by the first episode you care for or hate all of the characters. They (the show makers) have you feeling about each character exactly how they intended you to. You love the for mentioned man, hate the annoying stripper robot girl, sympathize with the captain and the president, cheer for the rowdy female fighter pilot, and are just kind of puzzled by the weird scientist. Yep, that's about it. 

Watch the fracking show! That is their swear word. Frack. 

Bye now!
All my Fracking enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rolling in the Deep

Here I am again, oh blog of my own! I have missed you of late. What? You don't believe me little blog? But you should! I simply adore you!
Well, hello to you too!
Do you know what I love? The beach. If it were a man I would marry it. You know what else I love? The Ocean. Didn't see that one coming did you?

In all seriousness, I do love that sandy strip called our coast. Sand gets everywhere and the sun bakes the skin off of my pale face but I don't care. I still love the great vastness of sky and the sheer power of the sea. What is more powerful then the sea? It is simply beautiful.

I went to Manhattan beach with some friends today. It was hot, the water was cold, and the company was good. The waves were huge and it was somewhat terrifying to get tugged under foaming breaches to be thrown about like rag dolls. Soggy rag dolls.
It was terrific! I felt very alive and alert.

The day was beautiful and I had a loverly catch up time with a friend. Over all it was a splendid way to spend Friday.

All my exhausted enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Friday, August 19, 2011

What a Darling Treasure

There are places I know of filled with delight! Trendy places with people and things that are nice to look at and enjoy.
These are my favorite places in Los Angeles. If you know me you know that the City of Angeles is not the city of my dreams. I don't like it very much. But every once in a while I stumble upon a nook or crack in the dull cement walls of LA that contain unexpected beauty.
I adore the times I find these crannies because they give me places to go with people I love.
Ladies and gentlemen, here are my favorite haunts of LA.
My favorite shopping spots:

This little pocket of town is so fun to hang out, shop (or in my case window shop), eat or just be in the general bustle of life. It is also a bonus that they pipe in jazz and crooner music through out the area. Where ever I walk Frank Sinatra or Ella Fitzgerald is serenading me. What a dream!
Old Town Pasadena
I love Old Town, it has that city block feeling that can only be found in cities like New York or Seattle. That community city feeling, you know? A feeling that can't be found anywhere else in LA, just here. It has some loverly restaurants and my favorite Gelato place. Yum!!
Santa Monica Pier

Oh I do love the beach! The ocean pounding and seagulls calling should be the background music to everything. Anyway, this place is fun, it is always new and fresh and just plain cool! Not to mention romantic (wink).

Just up the street is a great shopping street. I love that there are always street performers dancing or singing to make the experience perfect :)
Favorite eateries:
Aromas Coffee & Tea Company

This is Aromas. There are few places in this world that still carry magic and this cafe is one of them. My dear friend Mariel and I go to munch and talk and have a jolly old time among the delightful greenery.
Here I am sipping, laughing and soaking it all in. Thanks, Mariel, for the photo!
There you have it. I think I will write about my favorite places more often, I think it gives me a better way to look at this city I inhabit.
Thanks for reading!
All my enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Head, My Heart, My Mind, My Wings

Wait a second. Didn't I see you earlier? Hum, must be my mind playing tricks.
Anyway, this post makes me a wee bit nervous.

So earlier this year a very close friend got their wagon hitched, or married. It was a gloriously sweet wedding and I literally danced tell my feet hurt. But it was such an amazing time!
Well, at the time of the wedding I did not have a wedding gift for her and her husband and felt awful about it. So I painted them this.
Well. it is more of a collage then a painting. It happened almost by accident. I was going to paste magazine pictures of the ocean and sky to the canvas but silly me didn't know that paint was a horrible glue. All the magazine pages crinkled up and looked bad. After it had dried I tore them all off and got this great old-wallpaper-look. It made me very happy.
All the castles represent different aspects of the married couples life. The Castle of Home.
The Castle of Two become One and The Castle of Sharing Space.

The Castle of Protection.
The Castle of Travel.
The Castle of God and Marriage.

Thanks for listening and looking!
Art is my passion, I will be sharing more of my work on this here blog of mine.
All my artistic enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger

Tell My Tale With A Sound Track

Hey, y'all!! So dose anyone know if negligence is a criminal offense? I mean, of blogs. You know, never mind.
Because of my long absence and what-not I have a couple of posts for you today. The first of which is this one.

Happiness is... not solid? Yes, that is it. It is not a graspible (dude!! I just made a word! grasp.E.bull.) thing. But there are tangible things that can bring the invisible feeling to you.

These are a few of my favorite things as of late.

#1 - Alela Diana
Miss Diana is a folk singer/songwriter with a raspy haunting voice. I can not even remember how I found her but the moment I heard the strange melodies I fell in love! I adore her music. It makes me feel as though I was a gipsy princess with a mysterious past. Oh, in this story there is an evil king who knows my secret so he captures me to black mail me into marriage because of my beauty and free spirit. Then a noble knight comes to fight the king for my freedom but is wounded so I drag him away into hiding to heal him. Then I return to the king and fight him to the death! Then MY noble Knight and I walk off into a twilight wood to live happily ever after. Boom! That is epic!
Anyway, Alela Diana is great.

#2 - Chocolate.
Do I need to explain?

So good! It is like heavens healing light in solid form. I bet the mana that sustained the Jews in exile was chocolate. Yum!
I could bath myself in it, too. Except the acne that would follow would be much less then fun.
Augustus Gloop had the right idea. Props, man!

#3 - Russell Crowe.
Again, do I need to explain? I mean, look at him. no, no. LOOK AT HIM!!

This past weekend I had a Russell Crowe marathon movie night. Me and some girlfriends got to stare at his gorgeous self for a couple hours. I'd say it was a saturday night well spent. *wink*
Now go watch Gladiator.

So those are the happies in my life right now. What are some of yours? hummm?
All my star struck gypsy princess enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

P.S. You know that story I told earlier? yeah, well, the part of the Noble Knight is played by Russell Crowe. Just letting you know. Peace out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You and Me

I thought I understood
You and Me.
But I didn't.
I thought it would
be porcelain on teeth.
Jam and Crumbs.
But it wasn't.
I thought I would
be able to control
Sustain it.
But I couldn't.
I thought you would
be easy.
I thought you wouldn't
But you did.
I didn't think you would
be different.
I didn't think you could
But you could.
I thought i understood
You and Me.
But I didn't.
I understood the idea of
the smuge-ness of
Of You and me.
Written by Tallis Raye Davidson, aka The Bursty Blogger

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Remember Me

What would we give to glimpse paradise? To see heaven as it really is?
I think I would give quite a lot.
Then I do envy a sweet child just recently passed from us for he is living with his Creator now.
This is Gabriel 7 hours old in the arms of his mother. They loved him for 40 hours and then he quietly passed on. I do not have the right words to express what to think. I do not have the experience. Here are the words of a mother that I trust. Gabriel, from The Bottom Rail.

The King of The Mountain

Getting behind in your blogging is very inconvenient. Well, whatever. I do not actually mind much. Anyone who does can leave a comment but I will most likely keep falling behind, getting distracted by butterflies, and dancing through fields in wooden souled shoes. When I finally do get back to this blog I will be most unapologetic about being late for it is my blog.
I have been staring at the computer screen way to much today, and yesterday, and the day before that(curse you glowing flat surface gods!).
Besides all the little duties I must preform day to day I have been hankering to produce a fashion post. Here it is!!

I actually took these photos a long time ago. To be precise, this was the day I got baptized. Easter Sunday, 2011.
That day is such a beautiful memory. I will never forget it as long as I live, no exaggeration about that either.
I had been fasting for forty days before this day for lent. I had been fasting clothing. No, I was not a nudest for forty days. I gave up "caring" about what I wore, just tee-shirts jeans and all the simplest clothes in my wardrobe. No jewelry either. It was so hard.
So on the first day of freedom I binged and dressed however I wanted to. God spoke many things to me while I was fasting, the whole process lead right up to my baptism.
Shirt: A little store in Studio City that I can't remember(I need to work on that).
Skirt: Thrift store and then altered.
Shoes: Mossemo
Jacket: Gifted
Purse: Thrift Store
Heart Neckless: Tiffany's, it was a gift from my dad :)
Locket: Black Hills Gold
Blue Necklace: American Eagle
This is my first fashion illustration that I have posted. Actually it is the first piece of art by myself that I have posted on here.
It is humble and sweet. I had just taught myself to water color so I will do better next time. But i am rather proud of it :)

Thanks for reading!

All my enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger