Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Fracking Love You!

Alas Alas here I am oh blog of mine, Do not fret! I will refresh your tired page to new and loverly heights. 

I have news of a new obsession of mine. "Another one!" You exclaim. "Yes!" I reply, "yet another to add to my long and, more then likely, unhealthy obsession list."
This ones name is 


Not the old one but the 2004-2009 series.
This is a TV show that, while it lasted, had people everywhere obsessed with it including my father. Well, sort of. He was obsessed with it but he didn't actually watch it, he just kept saying he had too and forbidding anyone around to talk about it in his presence. 
Well, he decided that it was time to watch it and I am so glad that he did because now I am in love with it! And not only with
the show but with this beautiful man as well. 

You are rather fine, Captain Apollo, sir. 

*cough cough* Did I type that out loud? Ooops. 

Anyway, The show is awesome. It is action packed and cool and I can not get enough of the soundtrack, it is stunning. One thing I admire about the show is that by the first episode you care for or hate all of the characters. They (the show makers) have you feeling about each character exactly how they intended you to. You love the for mentioned man, hate the annoying stripper robot girl, sympathize with the captain and the president, cheer for the rowdy female fighter pilot, and are just kind of puzzled by the weird scientist. Yep, that's about it. 

Watch the fracking show! That is their swear word. Frack. 

Bye now!
All my Fracking enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.

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