I must say, I am unsure as how to start. Maybe just being truthful would be best.
For the past couple weeks, me and God have not been on the best terms. I felt alienated from His presence. Every time I endeavored to stay quiet and listen for Him I felt so distracted; I would start thinking of friends or a movie that I had not seen in so long and I should probably vacuum my carpet, it is looking rather covered in dog hair, etc. etc. I felt as though God was so far away that I could no longer touch or feel Him in my life. I had not felt Him in so long, what was I doing wrong? Was He angry at me? Every time I prayed I would feel like He couldn't hear me. I felt so alone and I felt like I had no one to talk to, I felt frustrated, sad, isolated. I felt, I felt, I felt.
Did you notice that? All those "I feel..."s?
Well, I didn't until God finally had to smack me with His words. He, not very politely, informed me that I was being a self-centered whinny twit who was so concerned with how I felt that I was missing the facts of Him. Feelings and emotions had so infested my mind I could think of little else. My feelings would show me nothing, He said. Feelings could not inform me of Gods plan for me or anything else that would contribute something of value to my life. And they would defiantly not tell me any truths.
I am a teenager and strong emotions come naturally to my peers and I, but that is no excuse. No matter how emotionally prone you are, which is immensely in my case, wisdom and common knowledge can always be called upon to overcome those irrational thoughts. Even if it takes an insult from the God on High.
After this happened, I felt lighter. Conviction and grace had descended upon me at ounce. It was a lovely realization. Patiance comes more naturally now that annoyed feelings can just go hang themselves. Kindness and tolerance have first pick of my actions. Others centeredness is a lovely thing. Self-conciouse fears cease and freedom reigns supreme!
Of coarse, I will stumble and fall many more times. I am not perfect and I will never claim to be; if I do, I give anyone full permission to smack me as hard as they see fit. Ironically, lately my greatest stumbling block is over-emotional people who rely on feelings instead of thinking to figure out their feelings. Hypocritical, no?
It is very hypocritical, but indulge me for a second.
To think that just because you do not have a boyfriend at this moment in time dose not mean you are "unworthy to be loved." I mean seriously. Come on! With more then the majority of your life ahead of you that kind of thinking is just demented! We are teenagers. Yes, it is nice to have someone to speak your mind to and hold hands with, but being without one is not going to kill you. It will not mark you as "unlovable" or curse your love life for eternity. I am getting worked up. I do not want to offend but this is an occurring emotional instance that grinds my nerves to a pulp thus making it hard for me to find sympathy for the teen who is going through this.
But to that I am called time and time again. Some of my dearly beloved friends are having these thoughts and are seeking me out to talk about it. Dang it, God, You want me to get over this pet peeve don't you? Well, please guard my words.
Please, do not mistake my meaning. Feelings should never be stifled or purged from your life. They are essential to many experiences in life. Expressing yourself would be impossible without them. Many great masterpieces of music and art would not exist if their creator had no feelings or emotions. Falling in love would be incredibly difficult. And living a life without any intense passion for someone or something would be a life not fit to live! It would be like living John Lennon's Imagine world; which would be horrible, by-the-way. Ahem, I am getting ahead of myself, that is a topic for a future post.
Anyway, all I am trying to say is that God has revealed Himself, in the Bible and personal experiences, to be a logical God within the realms of Himself. I say this carefully because it is not very logical to many people to believe in something you can neither see, touch, taste or smell. Oh, how little those people know.
Let logic and facts be a guide to know Him more fully, feelings can not usurp the role of His Voice efficiently in your life. I pray my attempts in this won't turn into a sinners hash. God is the way and the truth and the life. How can a human feeling beat that? Only from facts can true emotions be born. Feel those and rejoice in Him who bestowed them.
I loved this whole post, Tals. Your outlook on all of that is stunningly mature.
ReplyDeleteDon't you love how God does that to us every once in a while? Give us a sort of wake-up call? It's always a shock, but it makes me love Him so much more, that He cares that much to snap us out of whatever is clouding our view of Him.
Absolutely beautiful post. Love you!
thanks Mel Mel! love you too!