As I sit in my kitchen, watching my sister slowly decline in awake-ness as my mother tries to remember her facebook password, I am acutely aware of life. Quiet moments like this always inspire me to think nostalgic philosophical thoughts. Most turn out to not be that impressive, shall we see how this one turns out? I think yes.
I am aware of life in regard to moments.
Life is divided up into moments and we are allotted a certain number of them. These moments can be as short as one millisecond or as vast as a decade. Moments can happen within other moments. They can start on their own and end along with dozens of other moments. What I mean to say is, these moments of life are rather unpredictable.
On the day of each humans birth, in fact the very second of our first breath, we are handed a sub conscience notice that our moments have begun. We are not aware of these moments tell we are more or less in our pre-teen years(understand that age is relative, if you were aware of your moments long before the age of six or long after 52 I will not consider you weird). After this epiphany we don't do much with the knowledge until we have another epiphany(which equals a moment) that moments are important.
I have always wanted a full life. What better way to achieve that then spending time on what is worth my while?
What is worth my while are the things I love. Drawing, friends, dancing, thinking, reading, sleeping(which I should be doing right now). Those are a few of my vast collection of delights I have. I want to spend my moments on things like those but I often find myself listlessly surfing facebook or... well, mostly facebook.
So, down with listlessness! Down with passiveness! I want only the interesting, the uncommon and the passionate! Go Life!!
I am now alone in the kitchen. My mother and sister long been asleep, but I type away and hope that this blog post will be worth the moment you take to read it. Thanks for indulging my socratic thoughts.
I am now alone in the kitchen. My mother and sister long been asleep, but I type away and hope that this blog post will be worth the moment you take to read it. Thanks for indulging my socratic thoughts.
All my moment made enthusiasm, The Bursty Blogger.
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