Monday, December 06, 2010

J'ai eu une vision des roses dans la cuisine

I was bright and brilliant today. Life was wonderful with Trader Joe's paper bags scattered about the floor while i danced like a leaf among them! Regina Spektor was sweetly singing about love as groceries were twirled and swayed to their places in the cupboard. Holiday colored flowers were arranged with a certain gentleness and enthusiasm that lifted my spirits to great heights. These simple everyday chores turned me into shining delicate young-woman who delighted in herself and life in general. Even unloading the dish washer filled me with joy!

Why this night was special I don't know but my dear mum needed help so I dutifully filled a space of work to give her rest. This was the work described above. I read it again, it doesn't sound like work to me. I felt like i belonged in a Louisa May Alcott novel, tumbling about the kitchen with a girlish delight.

I had a vision of me in an un-known amount of years, dancing and singing in a kitchen I have yet to see, waiting for a handsome someone i don't know yet. It was a funny vision to me but still delightful and pleasing to the eyes of a romantic. I placed it in the back of my mind for me to visit on only very special occasions or in moments of weakness. If i expanded on the vision it would ruin the sweet mystery of it so i must handle it with care, it is a delicate little hope.

I hope it will not come to soon for there are many things i would like to experience before I experience that but when it does come i know i will embrace it. God knows when to bring it, His timing is perfect. I know my plans wilt before His Will so i will let Him guide me where He will.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really lovely post- honestly. I'm also waiting for my Mr Darcy, but I haven't been having much luck lately. But I will hold out! Maybe this year's my lucky year! :D ;D

    You're a brilliant writer. I've signed up to follow you.

    *Claudia* xoxo
    Molto ❤ Fashion
